Contamination Control Mats and Floor Coverings
WORLDWIDE LEADER IN CONTAMINATION CONTROL FLOORING! The TechTrak floor mat installed in critical entrances, gowning rooms or airlocks substantially lowers microbial and particle counts, reduces airborne contamination, eliminates disposable costs and can be maintained within your current cleaning schedule.
Need Contamination Control Flooring in Your Facility? Get Started Now.
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TechTrak Benefits
- 3 Year Warranty*
- Extremely cost effective
- Reduces airborne contamination
- Lower particle and bacteria counts
- Environmental savings & recyclable
- No adhesive carry over into the critical area
*please contact your sales rep for warranty information
Who We Are
Contamination Control Floor Mat Manufacturer
TechTrak LLC is an unprecedented leader in the design and development of the high quality polymer contamination control floor mats. Our very experienced in house design team works closely with our network of local qualified cleanroom representatives to provide the most efficient contamination control system available. TechTrak LLC minimizes the environmental impact by offering our reusable, easy to maintain, TechTrak contamination control floor mat. This mat has an average active life of 5 years and can be recycled.
Experienced industry provider of contamination control flooring systems and cleaning supplies used worldwide in –biomedical, pharmaceutical, medical device, life science, microelectronics, optics, solar, semiconductor, data storage, animal lab, automotive OEM, food processing and packaging, hospitals, aerospace and other critical industrial applications.
TechClean Multi-Purpose Floor Cleaner
TechClean is a multi-purpose floor cleaner designed for critical environments. The high purity formulation is effective in the cleanest rooms. Along with standard cleanroom mops and squeegees, TechClean offers the most effective flooring and mat cleaning process for TechTrak flooring.
TechClean is not limited to use on TechTrak flooring; it can be utilized on all flooring throughout any facility. It should be diluted to a 10 to 1 mix ratio for standard applications.
Industries We Can Help
The TechTrak contamination control floor mat is ideal for all high tech industries including but not limited to:
- Pharmaceutical
- Semiconductor
- Medical Device
- Microbiology
- Food Manufacturing
- Hospital & Animal Labs
- Automotive Manufacture
- Aerospace
- Defense
- Biotech
- Data Centers
- Solar Panel
- Nutritional
- Research Labs
- Disc Drive & USP 797
Why Choose Us
Product Benefits
TechTrak LLC minimizes the environmental impact by offering our reusable, easy to maintain, TechTrak contamination control floor mat. This mat has an average active life of 5 years and can be recycled.
These products feature:
- Made in the USA
- 3 Year Warranty*
- Long life – average 5+ years
- No limit to the size or area of coverage
- Available in multiple colors
- Easy to maintain & clean easily
- Non-volatile polymer, 100% DOP free
- Silver based anti-microbial inhibits the growth of bacteria on the mat surface
- Strongest/ more than double psi of any competitor
- Installed quickly to minimize inhibiting work flow in facility. Can be walked on/utilized immediately
*please contact your sales rep for warranty information
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