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Who We Are

High Energy Contamination Control Floor Mats Manufacturer

TechTrak floor mat system is designed for each customers’ specific requirement, whether covering an entire gowning room for complete contamination control during large shift changes or airlocks, exits and hallways to eliminate concerns of cross contamination.

Experienced industry provider of contamination control flooring systems and cleaning supplies used worldwide in –biomedical, pharmaceutical, medical device, life science, microelectronics, optics, solar, semiconductor, data storage, animal lab, automotive OEM, food processing and packaging, hospitals, aerospace and other critical industrial applications.

The cost of TechTrak contamination control floor mat is only a fraction of the cost of disposable adhesive peel off mats in the first year. Each subsequent year of the expected 4-5 year active life – TechTrak polymer floor mats increases your savings. It is also easy to maintain within your current cleaning schedule using facility approved disinfectants or detergents.

Products Installed
$ 0 Million
Customers Worldwide
0 +
Day Installs
0 -2
+ Years

Best Decontamination Floor Mats

TechTrak Benefits

What drives us:


With more than 25 years’ experience in the cleanroom and critical environment industry, our goal is to provide the most advanced, effective, cost efficient product on the market to ensure total particulate, bacteria and static removal prior to entering the cleanroom.. All of our products are made in the USA under strict ISO 9001:2000 guidelines.

How we treat our customers

Our Policy

Our Policy – TechTrak recognizes our customers’ total satisfaction is an integral part of our success. Our representatives and staff pride ourselves on providing the best product and service to all industries. We strive to meet all customer requirements and exceed your expectations.