New TechClean Supplies Available!

TechClean Supplies

Our TechClean Supplies

TechClean is a multi-purpose floor cleaner designed for critical environments.  The high purity formulation is effective in the cleanest rooms.  Along with standard cleanroom mops and squeegees, TechClean offers the most effective flooring and mat cleaning process for TechTrak flooring.

TechClean is not limited to use on TechTrak flooring; it can be utilized on all flooring throughout any facility.  It should be diluted to a 10 to 1 mix ratio for standard applications.

It is low foaming with no VOC’s (Volatile Organic Compounds) and can also be used as a spray.

Caution should be used during the cleaning process.

A number of walk behind cleaning machines are acceptable for use with TechTrak floor mats.
Adhesive peel off mats should not be placed prior to the TechTrak polymer contamination control mat. Adhesive carry over can be deposited on the TechTrak surface making cleaning difficult.