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Pharmaceutical Contamination Control Mats

Contamination Control Floor Mats for the Pharmaceutical Industry

Pharmaceutical Contamination Control Floor Mat Manufacturer

Worldwide leader in contamination control flooring for the pharmaceutical industry. The TechTrak floor mat installed in critical entrances, gowning rooms or airlocks substantially lowers microbial and particle counts, reduces airborne contamination, eliminates disposable costs and can be maintained within your current cleaning schedule.

How Do Disinfectant Mats Work & Why Do We Need Them

How Contamination Control Floor Mats Work in Pharmaceutical Facilities

This contamination has the potential to cause significant particle, bacteria and static problems in every type of clean manufacturing and packaging facility. The particle retention of the TechTrak floor mat is based on its liquid smooth surface, which allows greater contact with each layer of contamination from feet or wheels. The high tack surface is slightly conforming, which allows a concentrated loading of particles and remains effective after continuous overstrikes in the same traffic area.

Effectiveness of Contamination Control Floor Mats in Pharmaceutical Facilities

Pharmaceutical Facility Installations of Contamination Control Floor Mats by TechTrak

The effectiveness of the TechTrak floor mat is based on the correct placement and size to accommodate each facilities traffic volume – both foot and wheeled.

Large TechTrak floor mat areas are unavoidable, require no overt action and the size offers enough coverage to meet industry standards for 3 steps or wheel rotations for complete decontamination.

There are no limitations to the size or layout of the TechTrak floor mat. Ideal areas of use include air showers, gowning rooms, entry ways and exits, pass through, cleanroom hallways, aseptic areas, compounding suites, around laminar flow hoods, work stations, injection molding machines – anywhere there is a critical environment.

The TechTrak floor mat installed in critical entrances, gowning rooms or airlocks substantially lowers microbial and particle counts, reduces airborne contamination, eliminates disposable costs and can be maintained within your current cleaning schedule.

Pharmaceutical Decontamination Floor Mats

TechTrak Benefits

  • TTCC-21-BL 6’6″ Wide Blue
  • TTCC-21-BL-4 4′ Wide, Blue
  • TTCC-21-BLSPK 6’6″ Wide, Blue Speckled
  • TTCC-21-BLSPK-4 4′ Wide, Blue Speckled
  • TTCC-21-GY 6’6″ Wide, Grey
  • TTCC-21-GY-4 4′ Wide, Grey
  • TTCC-21-GSPK 6’6″ Wide, Grey Speckled
  • TTCC-21-GSPK -4 4′ Wide, Grey Speckled
  • TTCC-21-BLHD Tough 6’6″ Wide, Blue
  • TTCC-21-BLHD-4 Tough 4′ Wide, Blue
  • TTCC-21-GSPKHD Tough 6’6″ Wide, Grey Speckled
  • TTCC-21-GSPKHD-4 Tough 4′ Wide, Grey Speckled
Installed Contamination Control Floor Mats by TechTrak

Product Support

TechTrak Contamination Control Floor Mat Support

An experienced local TechTrak representative is available to visit your facility and to assist in analyzing your facility requirements to determine the best size and placement of the contamination control floor mat to offer maximum effectiveness at the lowest cost.

The TechTrak engineering team has designed and placed more contamination control systems in the mostdemanding clean environments than any other company in the world.

Once you purchase the most efficient foot and wheelborne decontamination product available, our trained technicians are available, at no cost, for periodic inspections and evaluations to confirm the product is meeting your expectations.